Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Why I Don't Make New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of the year again where the gyms are packed, cigarettes are put away, and time scheduled for the family. However, only a fraction of these so-called resolutions ever survive past January. Someone once told me that they didn't make any resolutions for fear of failing. For me, the reason is completely different.
I used to make resolutions, mind you. I did it for a couple of years while in High School. It was really more like cheating actually--I set goals I knew I would get with or without resolutions.
I don't make resolutions because simply put, I would rather set shorter term goals. Why? In these last two years so many things have changed so quickly that for me making goals lasting more than two months is unrealistic. Besides, if (when) a resolution isn't reached, the excuse "I've got all year" quickly comes to mind. No, I realized that any change in my lifestyle has to occur over a daily basis, not on a "this year I will." For me, I think every morning I should wake up and say "today I will." A year is just too long. Change is also more easily managed in small bites, lest I chew off more than I can eat and end up giving up earlier. 

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