My dad had asked me this once before. He wondered, as I did after he asked me, where I got my passion for service and social justice. It could have been The Grapes of Wrath, which changed my outlook on life--and still does, every time I re-read it. For a while I thought that that book was the culprit, but now I remember it all.
John Steinbeck's masterpiece was the feather that broke the camel's back, but in reality what started it all was a group of Junior High kids. Yup, those pesky middle schoolers with raging hormones that make it impossible for them to sit still for more than ten minutes. I had been given the task of being a Sabbath School teacher for the junior high kids my junior year of high school. All the while we were studying The Desire of Ages, and other than the fact that reading this book slowly, with a Bible, and studying it made me want to share the experience of Jesus' service with the kids, so I started planning many service projects. No one wanted to, and to tell the truth, I was losing the initial burst when I saw their negative response.
Then, my brother showed me a video that cemented it all on my mind. After that video, I studied the Bible a lot more differently, and once I read Grapes I knew I had to stretch out my hands. This is the video that made me what I am today. . .
You don't want to read "Bitter Fruit".
Why not?
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