Friday, September 21, 2012

A Day in the Life. . .

Not in any way similar to the Beatles song of the same name.

This school year, the days blur into each other because they are connected so closely. It's really a hard concept to grasp, but then again my brain is always thinking in ways I can't explain well, so here goes.

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I wake up roughly at 10:30 in the morning. While this may seem like sleeping in to most people, most people don't go to sleep around 3:30-4ish in the morning. I do all the necessary hygiene procedures and (maybe) grab breakfast. If I don't have milk, I probably won't eat breakfast.

Then I head to my office and check my emails for anything that might be of pressing importance. Usually, there are a couple late articles and pictures I read through. Then I head to class.

After classes, I usually head to my office and depending on the day I do different tasks.

Being Clocktower editor means that I had to do the following:

Interview and hire staff. Call and preside over weekly meetings, coming up with an agenda of issues that have to be addressed and any information that may be pertinent, usually running for 30 minutes and maybe more. Read through all the articles, send them to my editors and wait for them to come back to me so I can do further edits. Make sure pictures are taken and submitted with the articles. Keep up with the social networks (of which the traffic has increased 600% since I came in--not to brag or anything) and oversee the layout process. Send the layout draft to proofreader, proofread it myself, send the final proof for approval to my sponsors, and submit the final proof to the press. Then I have to collect old issues, count them, package them, and write down any change in readership. Pick up printed issues and organize them for distribution. Oversee the distribution in two of the five places the issues are placed, and distribute them in the other three. Since I am a part of ASB, it also means I have to attend weekly meetings and help with the Saturday night events. Repeat the process.

Then I do homework and usually find time to read a bit for leisure or get some Decaf Guatemalan coffee from the Mill.

I'm telling you, the Thursday night worships really help me refuel, and now see the importance of attending Wednesday meetings in the future. Playing music also helps, but I have to do it with other people.

When I'm finally home, it's usually 11:30. I read a bit, and try to go to sleep. I have a hard time falling asleep so I get ahead on homework (I haven't had much homework the past couple of weeks due to going ahead) and toss and turn in my bed.

Then, I do it all over again.

1 comment:

Researcher said...

Welcome to responsible adulthood, love you