Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I didn't want to get into this. . .

The last thing on my mind was writing a September 11 post, for many reasons. Especially since I haven't written anything in a while, this was the last thing I wanted to do my comeback with.

However, everyone in the school seems to be "remembering" September 11. So here goes my two cents.

I agree with the fact that the act was horrible, and that civilians should never have to pay the cost of an intellectual war as this one is. But what gets to me is the fact that the entire war on terror was based on the foundation of fighting fire with fire.

How hard is it to turn the other cheek? I have yet to experience a situation in which I'm forced to decide  between "justified" defense or turning the other cheek.

Judging by the way that entire nations' armies are mobilized all the time, it must be pretty hard.

I think it's important to remember to turn the other cheek. That way, we don't fall into the never-ending barrage of wounds that we have to "pay back." Getting even, as they say.

I like what Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye will just make the whole world blind."

Let's remember September 11, but let's not forget Darfur, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, racial inequality in all countries, Nepal, Myanmar, Tiananmen Square, both world wars, colonization and genocide against natives in their respective territories and empires, imperialism . . .

1 comment:

Researcher said...

I know I have said this before in reference to your post on Chaplin, but I will say it again anyway: