Monday, February 18, 2013


When I came back from the ONE project at Chicago, I did not want it to die as all the other Jesus highs I've had. I wanted it to last.

For my interpersonal and intercultural communications classes, I have to do something I don't partake of and journal about it.

So I thought I should do Ramadan. But that isn't 'til June so that won't help my grade any. The next thing that popped in my mind was Lent.

For fourty days, I have to give up something, starting last Wednesday.

What to give up was the hardest thing to come up with. I was constantly battling myself and justifying keeping certain things. Then I decided I would give up one of those things I was justifying--you know, logic right? Give up something I've idolized.

Then it hit me. What if I truly give my tithe?

Not just money wise. I would give up a seventh of my life. I realize that is not ten percent, but it makes more sense: do something throughout an entire day other than just the Sabbath; give 3 hours of my day to Him.

Harder than I thought. But I plan to stick with this. Hopefully I can pull it off.

And no, I'm not becoming Catholic.


elena said...

You can do it!

Pablo said...

Thanks! =)

Researcher said...

According to the Merriam-Webster:
from Greek katholikos universal, general, from katholou in general, from kata by + holos whole — more at CATA-, SAFE
2 : COMPREHENSIVE, UNIVERSAL; especially : broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests *a catholic taste in music*.

Nothing risky there, I think.