As a budding journalist I tend to dream of that one story, that breakthrough that will make me indispensable to some news network. A Watergate, a Rwanda--something big.
I should probably keep it more realistic. I'm on a borrowed MacBook Pro I need to recharge soon, with a new story pitched at me and I realized I have not written much at all in this past year. How rusty am I going to be?
Either way, I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about this at first. If and when I write it down, I don't know where I can publish it. I don't know where any of this is going to end up, and I hope--dear Heavens please--let it not end up as another one of these posts.
I'll brush up on some Journalism lingo and jargon and I'll visit the source sometime this week in a local hospital. Already I'm feeling nervous: hospitals are very touchy and I have horrid vivid nightmares of being stuck in a pickle afterwards, but I think it is just my imagination firing on all engines.
Meanwhile, I better get past the dedication page on my Qualitative Research in Journalism book. I wish I had paid more attention in class . . .
Not everything great that was written was accepted or recognized as such at first. Like a persimmon, edible and delicious "when fully ripe, but extremely astringent when unripe." (Merriam-Webster)
I forgot to mention the famous "Life of Pi." Rejected by many at first, but ended up a winner of many prizes. One never knows.
Or even Harry Potter, which was denied more than 40 times by publishing houses.
Either way, you have to see Life of Pi if you haven't already!
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